Saturday, October 24, 2015


The Russell Senate Office Building is a wonderful building to start with.  I've already posted a few shots of it on this blog before.  Windows like this can only be found on the corner offices of the building on the 4th floor, most of them on the inside of someone's office.  However, this one, on the northeast corner, is gratefully available at the dead end of the hall.  I've gotta get one of these in my house sometime.  A large, proper, looking window.

Taken with an iPhone 6s Plus with a minor lighting tweet to fight back the backlighting, a little pos-processing can turn a real stinker into a wonderful shot. 

Monday, March 9, 2015


A photographer friend of mine suggested that people needn't be afraid of taking "portrait" oriented images, suggesting that most folks miss good shots because the "landscape" orientation is the easiest to understand.  That seems to make sense.  To me, though, I decide between portrait and landscape based on my subject.  Take this staircase leading from the ground level to the first floor of the Supreme Court of the United States.  Portrait orientation seems to be the only way to shoot this.

Taken with an iPhone 5s, there's a dungeon-like feel to this shot, where the stairs up from the darkness to the Supreme Court courtroom lead to freedom and light.

Stairs of Symmetry

Left is the Russell Senate Office Building, Right is the Supreme Court Building.  There's a joke in here about the two equal branches of government (Congress and the Courts) being like a square peg and a round hole.  The Left is looking down, the Right is looking up.  When I build my own house, I'm going to have to get a staircase like one of these.

Both of these are taken with an iPhone 5s on separate occasions.